You can find out how to do this here: It can make devices work faster and better by balancing the energy between them. You can simply change the temperature before you leave for work. If you live in a northern state with harsh winters, investing in ways to save can drive down energy use. There are a lot of appliances that use power even if they are in standby. You can save as much as 10% off your heating bill by turning your thermostat down 7deg-10degF for just 8 hours a day. You can save up to 57% on your next electric bill. Trees are cut, minerals are stripped from the land, and scarce water resources become polluted. You can save money by avoiding paper bills. If you're looking for ways to save electricity, start by knocking off a couple of minutes off your shower each day. Soffits contain recessed lighting, which can cause leaks. Moreover, the alleged “patent-pending technologies” mentioned in the scam stories lacks any verifiable or credible evidence. Fridge technology has seen vast improvements over the last two decades, so if it has been a while since you upgraded your fridge, it could be worth looking into. You can also save money by using net metering or time-of-use plans. Supplies like sandpaper, window glaze, paint and other supplies can be bought for less than $100. ), you'll be prepared to reglaze every window in your house.